Stylophora mordax : Occurrence Records Point data  |   Species Summary   |  SeaLifeBase    |   Close   
n = 20 Sort by Country Locality Year Depth Source
Country Year Collector Identifier Catalog No. Depth (m) Locality Source
Andaman and Nicobar Islandsno year    4SLB
Andaman and Nicobar Islandsno year    10SLB
Andaman and Nicobar Islandsno year    10SLB
Indiano year     SLB
Indiano year     SLB
Indonesiano year     SLB
Marshall Islandsno year     SLB
Marshall Islandsno year     SLB
Marshall Islandsno year     SLB
Marshall Islandsno year     SLB
Marshall Islandsno year     SLB
Marshall Islandsno year     SLB
Marshall Islandsno year     SLB
Micronesiano year     SLB
Micronesiano year     SLB
Northern Marianas Islandsno year     SLB
Palauno year     SLB
Palauno year     SLB
Palauno year     SLB
Palauno year     SLB

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